‘Get much profit in Kobalama event’
Noodle stand could get much profit in Kobalama event at SMAN 3 PAMEKASAN. Kobalama was a basketball competition for all senior high school students in Madura. It was held from may 8th till may 13th 2011. That competition was very famous. Many people from many places in Madura came to SMAGA for saw their favorite basketball school team. Beside that, many food sale in this event, for example instant noodle. It actually was a school organization program. The shopkeeper was the member of school organization in SMAGA.
According to Amal’s statement who was one of noodle stand shopkeeper, she said that noodle stand was an idea from a member of school organization in SMA 3 PAMEKASAN who her name was Ulfa. And for build a noodle stand just need noodles, steroform, spoons, tend and pan. Then the profit that they got was ± Rp 80.000 every day.